Businesses all across Barry are creating innovative ways to keep helping their customers even when normal service is currently on hold.
One business on Barry High Street doing just that is Paletta Pizzeria!
After closing for a short period Rhys and Sara are now open again with a delicious takeaway menu of pasta, pizza and more.
They have also introduced a new ‘make your own pizza’ box which is perfect for keeping everyone busy during lockdown.

We tried out one of the boxes to see what it was like!
The kit contains 2 balls of dough, flour, cheese and tomato sauce all with helpful instructions on how to create your own pizzas and some facts about Pizza too.

To start we lightly kneaded the dough and spread it out on our trays. Of course we had a go at the knuckle technique and neither of them ended up on the floor so that sounds like a success to us!

We then spread 2 spoonfuls of tomato sauce onto each pizza as the base and added some (okay all) of the grated cheese.

You can add whatever you like onto the pizza although they recommend a maximum of 2 toppings.

I went for brie, ham, pepper and mushroom and Tom had ham and mushroom.

We waited patiently for them to cook and then enjoyed our hard work by eating the delicious pizza!

We’d highly recommend these boxes to keep little ones busy and for adults who fancy a treat they can make at home. They’re great value and delicious too! Find out more on their website here.