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The Best 90 Days Ever

Don't panic... but there are only 100 days left of the year!

How do you want to feel about your business at the end of 2021?

If you need some help keeping up the consistency, momentum and really making time to work on your marketing every day, join us for The Best 90 Days Ever.

In a private group you'll be given a daily prompt, task or challenge to complete that will help you make a positive difference to your business and life.

There will also be...

- Tutorials to help you with anything you're struggling with (Reels will be a feature here!)

- Optional work along sessions if you need some focussed time for your business

- Live videos and a lovely group to keep you accountable and share advice

I've created this because it's something I feel like I needed too, so if you want a little business boost to help you through the rest of the year, come and join us, it's only £34.99.

If you're not quite ready for a one to one yet this is the best way to work with me at the moment. I'll be in the group to help you every day for the next 3 months.


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