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5 Things I do Every Week to Promote my Business

How consistent are you when it comes to marketing your business?

Consistency is one of those difficult things to explain because it can mean different things to different people.

It’s become a bit of a buzzword in marketing and I’ve seen lots of reels which quite frankly take the mic out of talking about consistency.

But I think it’s still relevant and it’s something that should be thought about for your business.

The consistency I bring to my clients is unfortunately different to the consistency I bring to my own business. Where I would recommend at least a daily post on social media for them, my own accounts might not look quite as healthy.

But consistency for you will look different to consistency for me.

Because although I might not share something on Instagram everyday, I do have a set of tools I use to promote my business each WEEK that means I know I’m on track with what I feel is consistent for me.

In this blog I’m going to tell you about the 5 things I do each week to promote my business.

This isn’t a blueprint to success or a guaranteed method for getting new clients, but these tools are what works for me at this moment in my business. It looked different last year and I’m sure it will look different next year too.

But marketing is important, so I always make time for these 5 things that help me grow my business.

The Social Sunday Newsletter

First up is my favourite and MOST consistent, The Social Sunday Newsletter. You won’t be surprised to hear that this comes out every single Sunday and I’ve sent it out every weekend (apart from Christmas!) for a whole year.

If I was more organised this would probably be written and scheduled at some point in this week, but usually I like to sit down with a cup of tea on a Sunday and write for an hour or so until I have a newsletter in front of me.

This is what works for me, and that doesn’t mean it will work for you.

A newsletter doesn’t have to be every week, it doesn’t have to be pages long, it doesn’t even have to be text you could share a video instead.

But you have to find out what you enjoy and what will make you stick to it too.

In that time I’ve grown my email list and I’m getting a really high percentage of opens every week. It’s a tool for me to connect with my audience, find out more of what they want and sell my products and services.

The people who have signed up are inviting me into their inbox and I hope that I bring them value and useful information every time they open it. If you’d like to receive it you can sign up here.


Next is writing blogs for my website. It isn’t every week I find the time to sit down and write a brand new blog for my website with totally fresh content that no one has seen before.

But who says you need to?

We spend so long every single week writing content that we know is valuable to our clients and customers, and then we just leave it on Facebook and Instagram where it’s not working for our business.

Every week I add my Social Sunday newsletter to my website. It usually contains some of the keywords I include anyway and it means there is new, fresh content on my blog every week.

On top of that I’ll type up my podcasts into blog posts too which makes them more accessible and easier to share. This blog is actually a podcast!

If I have a social media post that I think has really resonated I’ll adapt that and add to it on my blog to make sure it’s improving my website and helping my clients find me.

This could take less than an hour, but you’ve then got 3 or 4 blogs for your website each week.


Once I’ve put the blogs on my website I’ll head straight over to Pinterest to share them to my marketing and small business boards.

Pinterest is the biggest source of traffic to my website, a huge percentage of the people that find my website come from Pinterest.

The quickest way that I’ve found to add pins is doing them directly through Canva. You can connect your Pinterest account and post the graphic straight to your boards.

I’ve found that a lot of my Pinterest is trial and error to find out what works for my ideal audience, and that’s okay! Once you know the style of pin and what people are looking for you can keep doing more of that.

The posts that seem to do the best for me are the numbered posts. The ones that say ’15 ways to market your business’ or ‘the top three way to improve your social media’

They let people know what to expect from the blog they’re about to click on and how long it might take them to read. I think it also makes it feel easy to digest. Everyone can read about just 3 simple tips can’t they!

Pinterest is not just for pretty businesses, it’s for all the rest of us to share our knowledge too. AND it doesn’t really feel like work does it? Win win!

Social Media Posts

Next we have the social media posts. As I mentioned before I’ll aim to put a post out everyday but it doesn’t always work that way.

I have a Trello board where I write down ideas for posts but a lot of the time it will be something I’ve been thinking about that day or a comment one of my clients has mentioned to me.

I try to remember to make sure I talk about the different parts of my business too. How you can work with me. The newsletter, podcast, eBook, and different packages I offer like The Six Week Marketing Fix.

Social media makes up a big part of my marketing plan, but it’s not the only part and I’ve found that’s where a lot of my clients get stuck.

They rely on social media and when they don’t get the results they need it’s frustrating. But it is possible to fit other methods of marketing into your week and I’m hoping this podcast shows that.


Which brings me onto the final thing I do every week and that’s my podcast! It’s something I’m really enjoying creating every week.

The podcast is an opportunity to reach a different audience and it’s something easy for people to share with their friends and anyone who needs help with their marketing.

I think it's so important to try and reach new audiences, but also reuse the content you have to make it really easy.

Which marketing tools do you use to promote your business? Let me know!


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