Last year just before we went into lockdown I managed to get a couple of days away to write my eBook ‘Be Your Own Social Media Manager’
A whole series of Killing Eve and a lot of post it notes later and I had a book!
I’ve been thinking a lot about how my business has changed over the last year and how grateful I am to have had that time to create something that meant I could still have an income when some of my clients cancelled at the start of lockdown.
I’m so glad 'past me' put in that work for 'future me' to enjoy!
There are a lot of things that I’m glad past me made the time and the energy to do.
Starting a newsletter, creating a new Instagram, growing my Pinterest and writing the eBook are just a few.
I spoke about it in my latest podcast called ‘Future Marketing’ click here if you’d like to listen!
What would your future self be glad you started?
If you want to do something that future you will be grateful for, find out more about my Six Week Marketing Fix and change your marketing now, so you still get the benefits for months and years down the line!