Right now I'm reading Superfans by Pat Flynn, it’s got some great recommendations for building a community. One of the suggestions is giving a ‘quick win’ to your audience. I’m going to give you an example below, can you do the same? It needs to be easy, quick and have a reward. If you want a hand thinking of a quick win for your audience just reply to this email and I’ll brainstorm with you!
You might have seen the ‘share my page with your community’ post going round on Facebook again.
It seems great, you'll flood your page with new likes, but most of these won’t be your customers. They won’t engage with your posts, which tells the Facebook algorithm people don't want to see them and they'll be shown to even less.
There are lots of ways to increase your likes, so don’t cheat. It might feel like a quick win but it will damage your page in the long run.
When I'm invited to like a new page the first thing I notice is the cover photo.
Does your cover photo fit on a mobile? Make sure you check your page on different devices to see if it’s still readable.
You could keep your text in the middle of the image so it doesn’t fall off the edge or use a picture that can be cropped.

I hope this helps! There’s lots more social media advice in my new eBook ‘Be Your Own Social Media Manager’. I’m afraid it’s not all quick, but it does work and I’m excited to see lots of you getting results already!
Have a lovely Sunday and enjoy the sunshine!
Speak soon,
Hannah x