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How to spring clean your social media

Writer's picture: Hannah Isted Hannah Isted

Spring is on its way and the warmer days and brighter evenings can bring more focus and energy to our businesses.

It might mean you have more time to spend on promoting what you do, or looking at the marketing tools that aren’t quite working as they should.

If you feel like your social media needs improving, it could be time for a spring clean!

Social media doesn’t have to feel like a chore or overwhelming when we think about everything that we need to do.

This can be the perfect time to spring clean your marketing, start creating some habits and new routines that help you promote your business without spending hours online.

Take a look at these tips to see how to get started.

We cover all of this and more in The Best 90 Days Ever, join us from 1st April to make this spring the best quarter ever in your business and have a great time doing it!

Get all of your content out

When you’re spring cleaning a room, the best way to start is to pull everything out and look at what you’re working with.

You can do the same thing with your marketing too.

Look at the content you already have, go back through your accounts and see what you’ve previously written or have available.

Start with old blogs, newsletters, social media posts, graphics or podcasts and get all of the words in front of you to see how much content you've posted since you business started.

These pieces of content can be reused or you might find they spark new ideas too. You should hopefully realise you have much more content than you think, because you’ve already written it!

Declutter the things you don’t use

Now that you have everything in front of you, you can declutter the things you don’t need anymore.

This is my favourite part of spring cleaning, last year I decluttered 748 things throughout the house as part of the declutter 2021 in 2021 challenge!

The trick is to only keep the things that you absolutely love.

When you have your content, look at your best work. Are there old messages you don’t want to reuse? Any products or services you no longer offer? Anything that isn’t in your current branding?

We only want to bring forward the best content for our brand and your previous content was a great way to test this. Sort out the things that you'll be leaving behind in your spring clean.

Some other things to declutter while you’re there are...

- Anyone that makes you feel rubbish about your business

- Any beliefs you have that you aren’t good enough

- All the reasons that are stopping you from showing up online

We don't need them anymore, so let them go!

Sort out the things you do use

When you have all of your brilliant content and social media posts ready to go, we want to sort it into a system that means you can find it again easily.

This is our version of the plastic storage boxes, glass jars and label maker machines.

I use Trello and Notion for my content and notes, but you could use Google Docs, a social media scheduler or even have this by hand on a written calendar.

You can also group your graphics and images together in folders and label them so that they are easy to find. You also might want to set up templates so you can recreate them quickly and easily.

You will always wish you did this sooner, it can save you so much time in the long run and just like sorting out your home it's always easier to do this little and often rather than trying to tackle it in one big go.

Make a routine to stay on top of it

One of the biggest challenges with keeping your house clean and clutter free is staying on top of it.

The same goes for your digital marketing content too!

We want to try and create a routine that you can stick to so that you can reuse content and save yourself time.

Whenever you create a new piece of content, never use it just once. Find a routine that helps you change that content so it becomes many other pieces too. You could take a blog like this one and cut it down into lots of little posts, or find a social media post and expand it into a blog or a newsletter.

If you can find a routine for this you should find that marketing your business feels like much less of a chore each month, because every time you write, it becomes 4 pieces of content rather than just one social media post.

Make it a habit

Finally, the best way to improve your marketing and your home is to make it a habit. Just like popping on the dishwasher every evening or making the bed when you wake up, if you can create a habit for your marketing you'll be more likely to stick to it.

Why not make a habit of working on your marketing for 10 minutes every day for the next 90 days?

Join us for The Best 90 Days Ever for a daily marketing task, support and advice. Stop the social media overwhelm and promote your business easily and with a brilliant group.

We start again on 1st April and you can book your place here.

Purple Flower with a bee


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