I’m having a chilled day after a week of running my newsletter course.
I absolutely love running The 5 Day Newsletter Fix but I need a little bit of time to recover after and think about what went well (and what I want to improve!)
This time around I decided to pay much more attention to the kind words people said as we went through the week.
When you’re in the middle of something it’s so easy to brush off the lovely feedback and not really acknowledge it.
But this time I stopped and saved it, so if I ever have a wobbly I can look back and remember that hey - I am good at this! It’s something I’d really recommend.

My favourite email was this from Jodie…
‘I just wanted to thank you for how useful this week has been. There’s so much to do with a small business that it gets overwhelming quickly. And you made this process simple and fun. You are also so kind and encouraging. I’ve really enjoyed it. And I feel confident now to send this out every week.’
How lovely is that?
It reminded me of the book I’m re-reading at the moment, Superfans by Pat Flynn.
In it, he says ‘Remember the Lemons’
I won’t go into the full story, but when working at a bar he remembered that the person always had 3 lemons and it meant he eventually got extra tips from that person.
It’s all about going one step further, paying attention and making someone feel special, tips or no tips.
And that’s what that piece of feedback did for me.
Genuinely caring and those little extras are so important in everything that you do.
Whether it’s remembering a little detail, leaving feedback or sending a lovely message just because you can, without expecting anything in return.
Those things can make you really stand out above the rest when you’re in a busy industry full of others who do the same thing.
So this week let’s all ‘remember the lemons’ and go above and beyond for someone.
Whether it’s writing a thoughtful review, replying to an email that’s been really valuable or leaving a comment on a post that made you laugh or think.
My lemon for this week is to share a free challenge with you, A Month of Marketing.There’s no catch! It’s just a way for me to say thank you for your support.