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26th January 2024   |  10am-1pm  |   Online on Zoom

Get your marketing sorted for 2024 with this small business planning and content creation day!

A day for your business

Join us on 19th January and spend the day working on your business, not in it. This is time for you to map out what the next 12 months will look like, plan your content and get ahead. You'll go into the new year feeling prepared and organised.

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What does your 2024 marketing look like?

This is for all the small business owners that want to make 2024 the year they feel confident and strategic with their marketing. 

We'll look at...

  • What your goals are for the year

  • The different marketing tools you'll use

  • What you're going to promote and sell

  • How to reuse and batch create content

By the end of this workshop you’ll know what to say, how to say it and where your business will be visible online in 2024. 

What’s included

The workshop is running from 10am-3pm but you'll also get... 

  • Your own year planner to map out your content 

  • A delicious lunch 

  • My Monthly Trello Content Planner with over 30 new prompts

  • A goody bag with other treats! 

Limited spaces available

No product

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“A Year of Marketing in a Day was an inspiring and eye-opening workshop. Hannah is incredibly motivational, with amazing tips on how to map out a year of marketing with ease. I just love Hannah's approaches to marketing, with methods that encourage consistency,  creativity,  personality and brand. The workshop is very carefully curated to support in making marketing digestible, personal and totally manageable.”

Esther Young, Creative Consultant, Mentor & Coach 


Hi! I’m Hannah

I help small business owners make marketing simple so they can enjoy promoting their business again and I'm turning it into a book.


If you're struggling to create social media content, write blogs that convert to clicks or start a newsletter that gets you new customers and more business, I can help.

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