When people hear the words ‘marketing plan’ they’ll often say ‘I don’t have time for that!’ ‘I can’t come up with that much stuff to post!’ or ‘I wouldn’t even know where to start’.
Your social media accounts, blog posts, newsletter, website updates and photography might all be different, but the content doesn’t need to start from scratch each time.
Repurposing content is a brilliant way to make sure you’re keeping all your channels updated.

Here’s an example of how we do it which might help you!
1. We take a load of images, I’ll go round the house and find things which I think might be interesting for a post. For example, on Sunday we made a loaf of bread
2. The pictures are posted on Instagram about spending Sunday making bread
3. This sparks an idea for a blog post about lock down cliches, the photo of the bread is used on there
4. The blog post is added to my website and shared on Facebook and LinkedIn
5. Bread recipes would be a great theme for a Pinterest board. I create a new board and make some graphics about the lock down cliches blog post to add to the board
6. I might use the picture and theme in this week’s Sunday newsletter (you’ll have to wait and see!)
This is just one example of a way that one picture can be used across all your marketing, so you don’t need to be creating something new each time.
You can go back and look at some of your old content that did well for inspiration, remember not every single follower sees everything single thing that you post!
If you’re struggling for ideas on social media and need some support, my eBook ‘Be Your Own Social Media Manager’ will give you the content and confidence to get posting again.
Find it on my website here: https://www.hicommunications.co.uk/product-page/ebook