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Writer's pictureHannah Isted

How to stop social media overwhelm

We all know how much social media can benefit our business.

From increasing sales, getting enquiries, encouraging more engagement and building a community, there are plenty of reasons why we should be talking about our business online.

But what if you just find it all too…


Dealing with overwhelm can be tough. There are so many parts of our business to focus on that sometimes it gets to a stage when we can’t focus on anything at all.

But you can stop the overwhelm and start sharing again.

Here are 3 tips to help deal with overwhelm when you’re marketing your business!

1. Break it down to smaller steps

The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

If you’re finding marketing big and overwhelming, break it down into smaller chunks.

You don’t have to write a whole month's schedule in one go, why not try writing a week or two?

If you have too many ideas that you can’t focus on any of them, just pick one at a time to move forward.

The last 3 months I’ve been working with a group of business owners on The Best 90 Days Ever. Every day I’ve given them a small task that will help them promote their business and improve their marketing in less than half an hour.

If I gave them all 90 tasks in one day, it would be overwhelming. But having a task each day means they can break it down and just spend a small amount of time working on their business.

By the end of the 3 months they will have done 90 positive things for their business that they might not have done on their own.

2. Have someone to keep you accountable

Which leads me nicely onto tip number 2! Have someone to keep you accountable.

If you find it easy to procrastinate or put off your work, try teaming up with someone else to keep you accountable.

If you can find someone else who has the same goals as you, it’s a brilliant way to stop you getting distracted because you don’t want to let the other person down.

One of the reasons I’m writing this blog is because my friends Clair and Lisa have set up a weekly blog challenge in this free Facebook group. I know Clair will be asking me where my blog is if I don’t get this done!

There are lots of ways you can keep someone else accountable. You could set up a Google Sheet with your aims for the month, create a WhatsApp group with a few people who want a little nudge each day or organise a Zoom call where you can work along together or check in and see how you’re getting on with your goals.

Accountability can help you to keep going even when work feels overwhelming for you.

3. Make it a consistent thing you do every day

Finally, my favourite tip is to take away the decisions and make marketing a consistent thing you do every day.

When it comes to my newsletter or podcast, I know they both come out on a Sunday so the decision of when to share it is taken away, I just need to write or record it each week.

The same can work for your marketing too. If you get into the habit of posting about your business each morning and checking in on Instagram stories throughout the day, it becomes a consistent habit that you hardly have to think about.

In The Best 90 Days Ever you’ll get a daily prompt to help you promote your business. You don’t need to think about what to do that day, it's there for you in the group and can become part of your routine for the day.

Consistency can help stop overwhelm by deciding the things you’re going to do each week and removing everything else that doesn’t fit in with that plan.

If you would like to go into 2022 feeling less overwhelmed and more consistent in your marketing, join us on The Best 90 Days Ever for £34.99 starting on 1st January and do 90 positive things for your business over the next 3 months! Click here to sign up.

Disco Light Barry South Wales


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