This week I want to talk to you about practice makes perfect (or better!)
My dad has decided he’s going to run the Manchester Marathon with me in October and he was looking through old pictures of his runs.
The first run… and I hope he doesn’t mind me saying this… he looks verrrry tired and is struggling.
But two years later after lots of training he did the run again and improved his time, looked great and had a little sprint at the end too.
I had the same conversation with my friend who’s taken up roller skating and has been making videos of her progress.
Even after 10 videos she can see how much better she’s getting and it’s amazing to have a record where you can see yourself improving.
There’s something exciting about starting something new and knowing you’re only going to get better.
My first podcasts were okay, but when I listen back I can hear how much more confident I feel now.
When we started sea swimming in the mornings we came out after a few minutes, but now we stay in for much longer.
When I talked on my Instagram stories it would take me at least 10 different recordings to try and get it right. Now I can do it in much less and it feels natural.
Your top tip for today is to try something new this month and measure your progress.
It could be something you share with your audience or something you keep private until you feel ready.
It might be building up to talking on stories, going live on Facebook or Instagram and staying on a little bit longer each time, learning how to take better product pictures or writing every day and increasing the words each time.
Mine is going to be focused on this newsletter, making it better and growing my list.
Let me know what you decide and I’ll check in with you to see how you’re getting on!
If you’ve found this useful you can find all my A Month of Marketing tips here.